
Police Associations

Police Associations are formed under six broad categories:

  • Established under Part V of the Police Regulations (Section 117 of the Police Force Act)
  • Established under Section 16(4) of the Police Force Act (Cap 235)
  • Established under Police General Orders (PGOs)
  • Registered under Co-Operative Societies Act
  • Registered under Societies Act

All members of SPF are encouraged to join one of these associations to enjoy the benefits and foster our identity as an SPF officer. Under Police Regulations and Police Force Act, all serving Police Officers are compulsory members of SPOM/JOM and SSPOA/POA.

'Senior Police Officers' Mess (SPOM)' logoSenior Police Officers' Mess (SPOM)

'JOM' logoJOM

'Singapore Senior Police Officers' Association (SSPOA)' logoSingapore Senior Police Officers' Association (SSPOA)

'Police Officers' Associations (POA)' logoPolice Officers' Association (POA)

'POLWEL Co-operative Society Limited (POLWEL)' logoPOLWEL Co-operative Society Limited (POLWEL)

'Singapore Police Co-operative Society (SPCS)' logoSingapore Police Co-operative Society (SPCS)

'Police Sports Association (PSA)' logoPolice Sports Association (PSA)

'Lembaga Khairat Muslimin (LKM)' logoLembaga Khairat Muslimin (LKM)

'Singapore Police Civilian Staff Association (SPCSA)' logoSingapore Police Civilian Staff Association (SPCSA)

'Singapore Police Force Aquatic Club (SPFAC)' logoSingapore Police Force Aquatic Club (SPFAC)

'Police Golfing Society (PGS)' logoPolice Golfing Society (PGS)

'Police Photographic Society (PPS)' logo
Police Photographic Society (PPS)

Officers are also encouraged to join these social and/or recreational clubs.

'Singapore Police Retirees' Association (SPRA)' logoSingapore Police Retirees' Association (SPRA)

'Civil Service Club (CSC)' logoCivil Service Club (CSC)

'HomeTeamNS (HTNS)' logo
HomeTeamNS (HTNS)

'Home United Football Club (HUFC)' logoHome United Football Club (HUFC)