
Benefits & Services

New Born Gift

Eligible PCWF Ordinary members may receive a gift amount* of S$200 per new born which would be credited into their salary or designated bank accounts. This benefit is applicable only for babies born from legitimate marriages. PCWF members who are civilian officers must have at least 12 months of membership to be eligible for this benefit.

*Revised New Born Gift amount with effect from 01 April 2023

Wedding Gift

Eligible PCWF Ordinary members may receive a gift amount of S$200 which would be credited into their salary or designated bank accounts. This benefit is applicable only for the first legal marriage. PCWF members who are civilian officers must have at least 12 months of membership to be eligible for this benefit.

Bereavement Grants

These grants* are to help defray the funeral cost of PCWF Ordinary members or their immediate next-of-kin:

  • Member — S$6,000
  • Spouse — S$4,000
  • Child — S$3,000
  • Parent — S$2,000

PCWF members who are civilian officers must have at least 12 months of membership to be eligible for this benefit. In addition, PCWF Ordinary members with spouses or siblings in the Force can submit only one bereavement grant claim on the demise of their child(ren) and parent(s) respectively.

*Revised Bereavement Grant amount with effect from 01 April 2023

Study Awards

Eligible PCWF Ordinary members may apply for the SPF-Lee Foundation Study Award for their children. There are 2 categories of award (Commissioner of Police Study Awards and Commissioner of Police Scholastic Achievement Awards) and 1 grant (Study Grant for Children with Special Education Needs).

Insurance Incentive

Members who purchased insurance coverages of at least $150,000 each of Group Term Life and Group Personal Accident insurance under the MINDEF & MHA Group Insurance voluntary scheme would be eligible for an insurance incentive of $100. This incentive would be credited into the eligible members' salary account after a verification process. The aim of this incentive is to give officers a good headstart in ensuring they have some form of insurance coverage that would come in handy in times of need when the unforeseen happens. Interested members can go to here to find out more about the voluntary scheme and other insurance information.

Free Tickets to Leisure Activities

PCWF offers free tickets to leisure activities for members every quarter. Members who are interested for the tickets can register their interest in the SPF CARE Portal when the registration is open. To date, members have enjoyed some rolling good times with their loved ones and friends at Climb Central, Teo Heng, Lockdown, Gardens By The Bay, just to name a few.

Loan Services by POLWEL

Eligible PCWF Ordinary members are accorded Ordinary membership with POLWEL Co-operative Society Limited, and they may apply for loans with POLWEL to cope with arising financial needs at different life stages. The various loan types include Education Loan, Marriage Loan, Bundle of Joy Loan, Renovation Loan, Product Loan and Medical Loan.

The loans offered by POLWEL fall under Category B - special categories of unsecured loans and credit facilities - that public service officers are allowed to take out as a borrower. Besides simplified application and repayment processes, the interest rates for POLWEL loans are also reviewed periodically to ensure that they are market competitive.

For more information on the loan services offered by POLWEL, please visit here