
Healthy Lifestyle

SPF recognises the importance of officers' physical, emotional and mental health and well-being. Thus, our organisation encourages our officers to lead a healthy and active lifestyle by providing support in various ways.

In most SPF units, there are gyms operating beyond working hours to cater to officers' needs. Equipment such as treadmills and cross-trainers are available for officers to train and work out at their convenience. There are venues in SPF premises for playing badminton, sepak takraw, table tennis, baseketball, and even court soccer!

SPF also support the healthy lifestyle by organising Active Day at unit level. At this event, officers will get together to go for a brisk walk, jog or run at Labrador Park, MacRitchie Reservoir, Marina Bay or other scenic locations. Team-bonding activities are also organised to foster camaraderie among the officers. Units are also provided with funds to organise HLS events for their officers.

At the local and international level, SPF actively participates in various sporting competitions every year. This is to suss out officers who excel at sports and also harness the competitive spirit in them. Their active involement and interest in sports will motivate them to keep fit and healthy. Currently, there are intra-competitions among units, in addition to those organised by the Police Sports Association (PSA) and Home United Sports and Recreation Association (HUSRA).