
Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work arrangements are meant to help officers better manage their work and personal responsibilities. SPF currently offers 3 forms of flexible work arrangements.


Under this work arrangement, office-hour staff can choose to start the workday at a time that best suits their needs, subject to the nature of work and approval from their supervisor. Presently, the Civil Service's approved start work times are between 7.30am and 9.30am.

Flexi-Place Scheme

This scheme is an additional support to office-hour staff who need a little more flexibility in their place of work. Staff approved to be on this scheme can work one full day or two half days a week at a location out of his office.

Part-Time Scheme

This scheme is for staff who needs a shorter work week. An employee on part-time scheme has the option to work for between 11 and 36 hrs a week instead of the usual 42 hrs.